Game devil may cry
Game devil may cry

game devil may cry

And there’s even a special move unlocked later in the game where you can drive a blade into your own chest for an increased demonic power. Players use an assortment of guns, swords and mechanical gadgets (such as Nero’s weapon-launching mechanical arm) to slash, impale, freeze, burn, rip and otherwise mulch all manner of malformed, devilish grotesqueries. The graphics are bright and sharp, the thumping soundtrack keeps your blood pumping, and the graceful-as-a-dance demon-hacking action keeps the gushing gore profusely pumping, too.

game devil may cry

The game itself is initially very playable from a gaming-mechanics perspective.

game devil may cry

Bottom line: Our heroes will need to get out there and stylishly disembowel and brutalize everything in sight. Turns out he’s caused a writhing and life-sucking gigantic tree-demonic, of course-to sprout up in the human world. The central thrust of the story is that this group of pretty, young demonic and human battlers is out to face down and best a powerful “demon king” named Urizen. We don’t actually get to explore much of their backstory anyway. And … well, it really doesn’t matter who the rest of the male and female “heroes” are. He’s joined by a heavily tattooed, magic-imbued guy named V who fights via three different demon pets. There’s twentysomething demon-demolisher Nero, who wears a robotic arm, since most of his demon-infused left arm was ripped off by a mysterious baddie and turned into a powerful sword. But the game actually spends most of its time jumping back and forth between the stories of a couple other sword-swinging leads. The latest entry in this franchise centers around the devastating ways of half-demon-turned-demon-hunter Dante-a DMC mainstay. But however you take it, it’s definitely all of a piece with the wild-mess heart of a Devil May Cry game. Especially since the hours and hours of grotesque dismemberment, gushing gore, dankly twisted spirituality and vulgar language that follow never get even the tiniest of frowns or disclaimers from the game or its makers. That could be an earnest warning to young players, or just ironic humor. After we see her light one up with a sly-eyed, cool-girl-next-door flourish, the DMC gamemakers take time to post a notice to players saying, “This game does not promote smoking or the use of cigarettes.” Early on in Devil May Cry 5, we’re introduced to a mechanically gifted gal, named Nico, with a purring southern drawl and a penchant for constantly puffing cigarettes.

Game devil may cry